Increase In Cost Of Kidney Dialysis Has Not Been Approved Yet - Chief Executive Officer of Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital


 Dr. Opoku Ware Ampomah, the Chief Executive Officer of Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, has clarified that the recent price increase for kidney dialysis at the hospital is still a proposed amount and has not been implemented yet. He explained that any changes in treatment prices must go through certain channels before being approved, and this particular increment had not even reached those channels before it became public.

Speaking on JoyNews, Dr. Opoku Ware emphasized that the notice of the price hike had not even reached the Chief Executive Office, indicating that he himself was not aware of it. He clarified that the proposal originated from a unit within the hospital and had only reached the department level. It had not yet been reviewed by the Director of Medical Affairs or passed on to the Chief Executive.

Dr. Opoku Ware suggested that the viral image of the dialysis increment was likely a result of miscommunication. However, once management became aware of it, they immediately issued a directive to have it taken down.

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Regarding future adjustments in cost, Dr. Opoku Ware hinted that there will likely be a review, but not to the extent that was initially proposed. He emphasized the need for clear justification of any price changes and mentioned that they would have to appear before Parliament for scrutiny to ensure that people are not burdened unnecessarily.
