NCCE wants police to punish invaders of UTV studios to deter others

 The National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has commended the Ghana Police Service for taking swift action to apprehend the individuals responsible for the disturbance at UTV studios. The commission has called on the police to ensure that the culprits face appropriate punishment, stating that doing so will serve as a deterrent for future incidents.

In a statement issued on Monday, October 9, 2023, the NCCE acknowledged the Ghana Police Service's promptness in making the arrests and urged them to thoroughly investigate the matter and bring the offenders to justice. The commission emphasized the importance of holding the perpetrators accountable to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Additionally, the NCCE urged the public, particularly those involved in political communication, to exercise moderation in their political discussions. They encouraged individuals to cultivate political tolerance and promote a more respectful environment in Ghana's democracy.

The commission also called on political parties to engage in politics that uphold decency and adhere to democratic values. By doing so, they believe that the nation's peace and unity can be strengthened and safeguarded.

The NCCE's statement came in response to an incident where individuals associated with the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) disrupted a live program at UTV studios, intimidating the guests. It was revealed that these individuals were reportedly led by the Klottey Korle Youth Organizer of the NPP, who allegedly received orders from Ernest Kofi Owusu Bempah, a Deputy Communications Director of the NPP, and other prominent members of the party.

According to the perpetrators, they took such action because they believed that the topics discussed and the behavior of certain guests portrayed the NPP in a negative light.

Find below the statement issued by the NCCE.
