2024 Budget: Support Proposed Measures In Budget - Ken-Ofori Attah To MPs

The Minister of Finance, Ken Ofori-Atta, has fervently called upon parliamentarians to unite and throw their weight behind the comprehensive measures outlined in the 2024 Budget. During the opening of the post-budget workshop in Parliament, chaired by Speaker of Parliament Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, he emphasized the critical nature of this governance tool, dubbing it the "most crucial executive policy tool" of the year.

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Mr. Ofori-Atta's impassioned plea is rooted in the understanding that the 2024 Budget serves as a pivotal roadmap for economic recovery and the nation's future. This key policy document encapsulates the collective aspirations, challenges, and strategic pathways that the nation seeks to navigate. It embodies a proactive response to various important factors, including the 2024 elections, the implementation of the IMF-Supported Post-COVID-19 Programme for Economic Growth (PC-PEG), the Debt Restructuring Programme, security considerations, the government’s growth strategy, and leveraging climate financing to support the growth strategy.

In recognizing the weighty responsibility placed upon the shoulders of the legislators, the Finance Minister earnestly implored lawmakers to consider the budget with a sense of purpose and a vision for the greater good of the nation. His appeal extends to the holistic well-being and progress of the populace, encompassing diverse segments such as schoolchildren, teachers, mothers, farmers, and fisherfolks.

Moreover, Mr. Ofori-Atta underscored the depth of the tasks at hand and stressed the indispensability of the parliament's partnership in swiftly advancing the measures outlined in the budget. In doing so, he conveyed his conviction that, despite the complexities and uncertainties of the road ahead, collective wisdom and insight, coupled with unwavering support for the 2024 budget from the legislators, would pave the way for a pragmatic and visionary course.

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Rallying Together for Sustainable Growth and Accountability

In his impassioned address, Mr. Ofori-Atta articulated a call to action, emphasizing the imperative of propelling the nation forward on a growth trajectory that is robust, responsive, and commensurate with the esteemed status of the nation. This rallying cry captures the essence of a collective endeavor, one that seeks to wield the budget as a potent instrument for realizing a vision of sustained progress and development.

Infrastructure Showcase

Underscoring the government's unwavering commitment to fortifying the national infrastructure network, the Finance Minister highlighted the inclusion of road provisions, along with the settlement of road arrears, as pivotal components of the budget. These measures are aimed at showcasing the government's resolute dedication to constructing and enhancing a robust, interconnected infrastructure system.

Fiscal Responsibilities and Accountability

Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Bagbin, emphasized the custodial role of Parliament in overseeing the management of the national finances. He accentuated the legislative authority wielded by Parliament, underlining that any utilization of public funds necessitates the explicit approval of the legislative body. Mr. Bagbin underscored the critical mandate for accountability, urging lawmakers to judiciously oversee the expenditure of public funds to ensure that they are utilized in the best interest of the nation and its citizens.

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Nurturing Trust and Transformational Change

Mr. Bagbin also issued a poignant call for transformation and emphasized the need for lawmakers to undertake a dynamic leadership role in effecting tangible improvements in the nation's economy and the welfare of its citizens. He stressed the imperative of bridging the trust deficit between leaders and the populace, recognizing the significance of embodying integrity and aligning actions with words to restore public trust in democratic institutions.

Parliamentary Scrutiny and National Priorities

Echoing the sentiment of parliamentary significance, Majority Leader Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu highlighted the budget as the foremost developmental policy instrument of the government. He underscored the pivotal role of lawmakers in ensuring an optimal alignment of the budget with the nation's needs and available resources, emphasizing that the budget inherently influences the entire populace.

Stringent Scrutiny for Fiscal Sustainability

In a similar vein, Minority Leader Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson emphasized the heightened importance of scrutiny, especially in light of the upcoming 2024 general election and the nation's engagement with the IMF program. Dr. Forson articulated the necessity for an eagle-eyed review of the budget to ensure fiscal prudence and adherence to allowable fiscal parameters.



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