"Akufo-Addo Is A Failure In Corruption Fight"– Ishmael Yamson

(Ishmael Yamson)

Economist Ishmael Yamson has expressed disappointment in President Nana Akufo-Addo's handling of corruption within Ghana, rating the president's efforts as lacking and asserting that he has not made significant strides in combating corrupt practices.

In Dr. Yamson's assessment, he stated, "If I mark him with the same scheme, probably it will be four out of 10." This rating, according to the retired Chairman & CEO of Unilever Ghana, reflects the president's perceived failure to address corruption effectively. He highlighted concerns about the president's inability to tackle corruption within his government and among his followers.

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Dr. Yamson further expressed his dismay at the president's response to a high-profile scandal involving one of his ministers, Cecilia Dapaah. The latter had been embroiled in a significant money scandal, leading to her subsequent resignation and an ongoing investigation for corruption and corruption-related offenses.

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The Economist voiced his disappointment with President Akufo-Addo's comments on the matter, particularly when the president expressed hope that the minister's integrity would be justified in the end. Dr. Yamson questioned the president's involvement in the issue, stressing the importance of allowing state agencies to handle such matters independently. 

Continuing his criticism, Dr. Yamson emphasized that the president's trust in individuals involved in alleged corruption sends the wrong message to the public. He insisted that the president has not effectively curbed corruption, citing the recurring scandals and the absence of decisive actions against those found culpable. Furthermore, he raised concerns about leaders leaving the country in a state of bankruptcy due to widespread corruption.

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In his candid remarks, Dr. Yamson highlighted the pervasive nature of indebtedness among leaders, resulting in a cycle of corruption and paybacks, which he views as detrimental to the nation's economic well-being.


GHANA WEB- "Corruption Fight: Akufo-Addo Is A Failure – Ishmael Yamson"
