Haruna Iddrisu Calls For Parliamentary Investigation Into Ghana's COP28 Delegation Size


Haruna Iddrisu, the Member of Parliament for Tamale South, has called for an investigation into allegations that the Ghanaian government has registered over 600 delegates for the current Conference of Parties (COP28). 

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change has reported that Ghana's delegation to COP28 in Dubai has increased from 350 to 618, with 95 individuals on the official parties list and 523 on the party overflow list. 

Iddrisu expressed concerns about the financial impact of such a large delegation on the state's resources during a session in Parliament on December 4, 2023. He questioned how Ghana could afford to lead a delegation of 618 people and demanded that a committee examine the matter.

"Mr. Speaker, with this economic distress, how can Ghana lead a delegation of 618 persons? Are we shouldering the economic gain and hardship of the Ghanaian? And Mr. Speaker, I see a delegation of the President here at COP28… I am demanding that a committee looks at this," he stated.
