Drop Jane Naana As Running Mate In 2024 Elections - NDC Caucus Warn Mahama

The Northern Regional Caucus of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has made a resounding call for a change in the party’s flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama's choice of running mate as the 2024 general elections draw closer. According to a report by the DailyGuide Newspaper dated November 23, 2023, this pivotal decision was reached during a meeting with former President John Mahama.

Related To This: Mahama To Select Running Mate For 2024 Election

The caucus voiced its concerns not only about the reselection of Prof. Naana Opoku-Agyemang as the running mate but also about Mahama's team of advisors. The meeting, held before Mahama's trip to Canada and the United States for fundraising purposes, underscored various reservations about the incumbent running mate. Among the concerns raised, the caucus pointed out that in the 2020 elections, the professor failed to deliver her home-based region, the Central Region, to the NDC. This failure was a key factor that led to the members expressing doubts about her ability to perform effectively in the role and potentially as vice president.

A senior member of the caucus was quoted as saying, “Circumstances have changed since the selection of Naana Jane for the 2020 election. Anyone who tells you that Bawumia will not have an impact in the Northern Region is misleading you.” Another member also highlighted the necessity of countering the potential increase in votes for the opposition in supposed NDC strongholds and strategically securing votes in the NPP’s stronghold, particularly in the Ashanti Region. They also raised concerns about preventing rigging in the Ashanti and Eastern Region, posing a major challenge for the party in the upcoming elections.

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