Licensure Exams Should Be Reformed Not Scrapped - Teachers

In the midst of ongoing discussions about the Teacher Licensure Exams in the country’s colleges of education, some tutors have emphasized that the exams themselves are not the issue, but rather the specific method of paper-writing presents challenges. This perspective was brought to light recently, as former President John Mahama expressed his perplexity regarding the requirement for teacher trainees to undergo licensure exams before being permitted to practice. He pledged to eliminate the exams if the NDC returns to office after the 2024 election.

George Ohene Bekye, a tutor at the Akrokeri College of Education, conveyed the sentiment that the licensure examination as a whole is not problematic, but rather the method and mode of writing it pose significant challenges. In an interview with Nhyira FM’s Nana Jantuah on Kuro Yi Mu Nsem, George highlighted that the licensure process has elevated the status of Ghanaian teachers and has facilitated their eligibility for international opportunities. He specifically noted the positive impact of the exams, stating that Ghanaian teachers working abroad have experienced elevated recognition thanks to the licensure exams, which have significantly empowered them.\

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In light of these sentiments, George encouraged the former president to engage with teacher unions and the National Teaching Council to address the challenges within the current system, rather than advocating for an outright cancellation of the exams.

Similarly, George Acquah, an Executive Member of the Coalition for Concerned Teachers, echoed the notion that the licensure exam should be integrated into the main examination that teachers undertake, rather than being an independent examination. He pointed out that while the concept of an exam for licensing is not inherently flawed, there is a pertinent question about why the exam is not seamlessly incorporated into the students' final assessments, ensuring comprehensive preparation and averting widespread failure.

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