Minority Urges Immediate Opening of Renal Unit at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital

( Kwabena Mintah Akandoh,)

The Minority in Parliament has called upon the government to take immediate action in reopening the Renal Unit at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital. Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, the Minority spokesperson on Health, expressed concern over the adverse impact the closure of the Renal Unit was having on individuals with kidney problems.

Recently, the Renal Patients Association revealed that since its closure to outpatients in May 2023, a total of 14 patients had tragically lost their lives. The Association's spokesperson, Michael Asante, shared during a press conference in Accra that these deaths occurred because the affected patients were unable to afford dialysis treatment at private health centers.

Asante stated, "As we speak, the renal unit has been closed since 22 May 2023 up to date to outpatients. Patients have gone through turbulent times as we struggle to finance our dialysis treatment at private dialysis centers across the centers. Unfortunately, during this shutdown period, we have lost about 14 of our friends... This has left the rest of us living in constant fear for our tomorrow. This is because we do not know who amongst us will be next to lose their lives needlessly."

READ ALSO: Korle-bu Teaching Hospital Increases Cost Of Dialysis By 101%

During a press conference in Accra on Monday, October 16, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, who is also a lawmaker for Juaboso, addressed the issue. He mentioned that the Minority had already taken steps to meet with the Minister responsible for Health, urging the government to take all necessary actions to reopen the Renal Unit.

According to Akandoh, the Minister assured them that the renal unit's Outpatient Department (OPD) would be reopened promptly. However, the unit has remained closed for the past five months, despite the assurances given. Akandoh stressed the urgency of the situation and emphasized that the government should allocate the necessary resources to reopen the unit. He mentioned that there are funds available from Covid levies, NHIL (National Health Insurance Levy), and other sources if needed.

READ ALSO: Increase In Cost Of Kidney Dialysis Has Not Been Approved Yet - Chief Executive Officer of Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital

Akandoh emphasized, "The government, as a matter of urgency, must put measures in place. If there is a need to completely absorb the costs, it should be done. If there is a need to provide subsidies, it should be done. But we must not delay because people need these services."

It is clear from the statements of the Minority spokesperson and the Renal Patients Association that the closure of the Renal Unit at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital is causing significant harm and loss of lives. Urgent action is required to prioritize the well-being of individuals in need of renal treatment and to ensure the availability of essential services.


-3NEWS.COM- "Open Korle Bu Renal Unit now – Minority tells govt"
