VRA To Be Summoned Before Parliament After Parliamentary Recess - Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa

The Member of Parliament for North Tongu, Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa, has made a significant declaration regarding the ongoing spillage from the Akosombo and Kpong hydro dams, which has resulted in extensive flooding and forced thousands of people to flee their homes in the Volta Region. As parliament prepares to reconvene from recess, Ablakwa revealed that officials from the Volta River Authority (VRA) will be summoned to provide answers and explanations.

READ ALSO: MP Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa Leads Rescue Efforts and Supports Flood Victims in the Volta Region

The devastating flooding caused by the spillage has severely impacted communities in the North, South, and Central Tongu districts of the Volta region. The dire situation calls for urgent attention and action from the relevant authorities. Ablakwa highlighted the pressing need for discussions on resettlement and compensation for the flood victims, as many have experienced the loss of their homes and livelihoods due to the flooding.

READ ALSO: Dam Spillage If I Were Here For Your Votes, I Shouldn't Be - Akufo-Addo To Victims.

During an appearance on JoyNews' PM Express, Ablakwa emphasized the importance of addressing the plight of the flood victims comprehensively. He stressed that even after the spill stops, significant challenges remain, as people have had their homes destroyed. Ablakwa called for discussions on resettlement plans and full compensation for the affected individuals. It is unreasonable to expect these families to live in temporary camps indefinitely or to suffer permanent losses to their farms, fish ponds, and businesses.

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Ablakwa firmly believes that the VRA needs to provide answers regarding their handling of the situation. He expressed dissatisfaction with the conduct of the VRA and stated that Members of Parliament (MPs) expect the authority to promptly announce plans for full compensation for the victims. A swift resolution is necessary to ensure that the flood victims receive the support they require to rebuild their lives.

Moreover, Ablakwa emphasized a phased approach to addressing the situation. Immediate relief for the flood victims in their temporary shelters is vital. However, he highlighted the equal importance of considering long-term resettlement plans and providing full compensation to those affected. It is imperative to protect the rights and welfare of the flood victims.

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Ablakwa made it clear that there will be no compromise when it comes to holding the relevant authorities accountable. Parliament is committed to initiating a thorough investigation into the dam spillage and subsequent flooding. The aim is to ascertain responsibilities, seek justice for the victims, and ensure that such incidents are prevented in the future.

